So You Want To Tread The Boards by Jennifer Reischel

Acting for Kids and Teens


Check Contacts (see links page under recommended books) for listings.

A list of full time stage schools in the UK can be found here: http://www.stageregister.com/

Acting professionally for teenagers can be tricky. They are often too old/too tall to play children and for part their own age, professional actors of age that look younger will be preferred, as they don’t require chaperones, have no work hour restrictions and can generally be treated as adults.

For more information on children licensing laws and general exchange between parents have a look at www.notapushymum.com

Also have a look at

http://www.nymt.org.uk/ (National Youth Music Theatre
( you can apply up to age 21) and

http://www.youth-music-theatre.org.uk/ (Youth Music Theatre).

Further information including advice regarding attending stage schools and getting a performers license for children can be found in 'So you want to tread the boards'


Table of Contents
Foreword by Leslie Bricusse

Samples to read

Take the Musical Theatre Test
Recommended Musical Theatre Auditions Songs
Overdone Audition Songs
Accreditted Acting & Musical Theatre Courses
Drama School Survival Guide
How to Find an Agent
Professional Auditions
Acting for Kids and Teens
Audition Monologues
Backing Tracks
Audition Coach and Singing Teachers
Performing Arts Books
Performing Arts Summer Courses









Review Corner

“…there is certainly enough solid and useful material here to merit the book becoming an essential read for beginners for many years to come.” - The Stage

“Jennifer has penned a "must read" for anyone wanting act professionally, and a "must buy" for anyone seeking a gift for the stage-struck this season.”
- www.theatremonkey.com